sweetest things a guy could do (bitchy chain mail)

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Somebody sent me an email with this title and i said, "nothing could ever be that stupid." i was wrong.

oh goody, just what i always wanted. a detailed list of womans bitching to tell me what to do.
1). Leave her cute text messages.
what a waste of time and money.
2). Kiss her in front of your friends.
why? thats what rooms are for.
3). Trust her over everyone else.
heres a gun, dont shoot me.
4). Tell her she looks beautiful.
you stupid attention seeking hore.
5). Look her in the eye when you talk to her.
only so you dont look down lower
6). Tell her stupid jokes to make her laugh.
or you could tell GOOD jokes and ACTUALLY make her laugh.
7). Let her mess with your hair.
y would i want somebody screwing with my hair?
8). Just walk around with her.
again, a good time waster (rolls eyes)
9). Include her in pretty much everything you do.
yea, girls like video games. (rolls eyes)
10). When she crys do whatever to make her smile.
except tell stupid jokes. how come when guys cry (which dosent happen often) girls never do anything to make us smile? god. thats the thing with girls. they all want equal this equal that EXCEPT when it comes to shit like this.
11). Forgive her for her mistakes.
damn, you shot me bitch, i forgive you!
12). Look at her like she's the only girl you see.
but shes not the only girl you see so thats impossible.
13). Tickle her even if she says stop.
if you dont stop that could be considered sexual harassment.
14). When she starts swearing at you tell her you love her.
man-hore! i love you. .... yea, dosent work!!!
15). Let her fall asleep in your arms.
whats with these time wasters?!?!
16). Get her mad, then kiss her.
*barf* this is the lowest thing you could do.
17). Tease her and let her tease you back.
haha, your a hore! why teasing?!? my god.
18). Stay up with her all night when she's sick.
i have much better things to do. y would i want to say up with a sick person?
19). Watch her favorite movie.
if its dodgeball maybe.

i cant go on, its too stupid.


do you dare email me?
