My Fav's

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Mi favorites

food- chocolate YUMM
TV show- Simpsons, family guyyy, H to the O to the USE (house)
place on da web - yahhhooo maillll
and myspace fool!
sPOrT- anything (cept' field hockey =] lol)
time o day- i dunnnnnoo
person- myself (haha no)
moovie- IDDKK!!! dodgebaLL
color- blue.
song- Story of my life by smash mouth
and high skool never ends by bowling 4 soup, and "almost" also by bowling for soup.
bands- fall out boy, smash mouth, bowling for soup, sum 41, my chem., and, and, and.... um....weezer? idk
fast food chain- none, ff sucks (fast food suks)
actor-  jack blak
actress (lol) idk (nothing comes to mind)
email- yahooooooooooo maiiill
hotmail suks
character from 3 stooges- larry
msic player- iPod nano]
iPod or cell phone? BOTH!
season- sUmmER
car- mercadies
dream house- a big 1
coke or pepsi- id rather stay out of this...
city in U.S- new york
dats all 4 now

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